Our Story

Our story
For more decades than I care to count, cooking was my passion. However, I spent the bulk of those decades in corporate circles. I attended many, many, many networking events, lunch and learns, corporate training classes, corporate rah-rah celebrations…I could go on and on.

Food was a tremendously important aspect of each of those, which…being a ‘foodie’…always caught my eye. Sometimes the food was delightful. Other times, well…not so much. Sometimes the presentation was beautiful and spot on. Other times, well…not at all. Sometimes the staff was helpful, friendly and responsive. Other times…well, you see where I’m going here, right?

Through those years, I began to think and ponder. Think about the many dishes that I was known for in my little sphere of influence—among family, colleagues and friends. I was famous for my cheesecakes, even then. Certainly received welcome praise for other dishes as well and I began to wonder:

“Why don’t I do this?”

Sure. Why not? Why don’t I start a catering company? I love food. I love cooking. I have a passion for the corporate environment as well and know exactly what should go into a successful event.

With that…in 2018…Classy Caterer was born. Now, with a growing staff and dedicated kitchen to accommodate nearly any size of project or event, Classy Caterer has grown into a go-to resource for central and East Tennessee businesses.

Our entire staff prides itself on creating successful events for our clients that simply put: makes them look good. We take the heat off of you, the host, and put it in the kitchen where it belongs…to create food that is a vital part of a successful event.

Our goal is simple: To elevate your experience with your catering company while creating events and keep your guests talking!

Call Trisha Kelly at
865-406-5477 today

to discuss your event or email Trisha at: trisha@classycaterer.com